11 min read

How to create a microservice that handles 🎢 the queue of sending emails in NestJS

In this article, I will present you independent microservice that handles the queue of sending emails using the Node.js platform with the NestJS framework. The use of this microservice allows you to decouple the business logic of the email senders from the main monolithic application, resulting in less use of server resources and therefore faster source code execution.

3 min read

⭐️ How did my open source project get over 1k stars on GitHub?

In 2019, I started working on my first larger software application than "todo list". I was looking for a job as a software developer this year and I needed to distinguish myself from other developers. I made a banking system where you could make transfers (not real money). I've been looking for help from other developers to find out if my JavaScript code is good enough. By coincidence, my application has become one of the most popular open source projects and has received over 1.2k stars up to date.

2 min read

Self reference model in React Native using MobX-state-tree

While I was programming my mobile application in React Native, using the Ignite stack (i.e. TypeScript and MobX-state-tree), I ran into a specific problem. My api response returns a list of categories and their subcategories, it looks like this...

3 min read

My Software Development Setup & Programming Tools (October 2021)

Many people ask me what tools I use for my work as software full-stack engineer. I will provide a list of the programming languages and frameworks I use, so you know what this list is going to be for. So my tech stack is: JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, React, React Native, Node.js, Nest.js, Shopware. In this article, I will present a list of all the tools that I use on a daily basis in my work for software development. 🛠